Wow very cool typographic collection of sous-verres by parachute fonts, there are here to blast our offices with the most creative way, they not only the make award winning typefaces but they also make type for living!
Julien Vallée Is young director artist motion and graphic designer, he has a great way to with craft, lovely use of color with incredible ideas With clients like MTV1, New York Times magazine, Print magazine, UK's best bookstores, im sure we are going to see more things from him in the near future.
The British street artist superstar Banksy have been seen in the streets of New York creating MASSIVE HUGE murals. His popular character trademark "rat" seen downtown New York. The thing from my point of view is that his artwork was appeared on legally rented walls and were painted, as we all seen his work was only illegal what happen this time? He made so much money that he rent buildings to paint them? It is safer ? Of course this action gathered people to see him (if he is really banksy?) Is he the really banksy and why now be became legal "street artist"?
Joshua Allen Harris is a street new artist from new york one of his new projects is called "Air zoo". He created animals made out of trash bags tide up to subway grates and leaves them to pounce on suckers when a subway rushes underneath. Its probably one of the best installations we seen.
Obsessions make my life worse and my work better In September 2008 Sagmeister Inc. is participating in Droog Event 2: Urban Play. The public art installation will consist of 250.000 eurocents placed on the floor, covering more than 300sqm on a square in Amsterdam (>Map). The coins will spell out the sentence “Obsessions make my life worse and my work better”. The piece is part of the series “Things I have learned in my life so far” by Stefan Sagmeister. From September 14-21 this blog will document the process of setting up the piece, and will then feature live webcam images of the installation.Details
The design is created using four different shades of pennies. We first sort them by color, then lay them out on the tiles. you can download the original design (zip, 4.4MB). After the piece is completely set up we will leave it alone, on the street. We expect the piece to slowly dissolve as people take coins, play with them, alter the design. All coins have been painted on the back with a bright blue permanent color.
police business It seems that the Amsterdam police were called by a resident of one of the overlooking buildings early Sunday morning to report that someone was “stealing an artwork”. As the story goes, people were pocketing a few of the coins, which was also expected, but things got a bit out of hand when a resident saw this happening. So the police responded, and, in a rather bizarre instance of police efficiency, they proceeded to “secure” the artwork, by sweeping up the entire installation.